Print Materials
With over 70 years of combined experience in the Printing Industry working on your behalf at AIS, we believe our fundamental obligation is to bring the strength of our production knowledge / industry to your doorstep – allowing you to get the very "best-in-class" in quality print materials at some of the lowest costs possible.

The various production/service facilities that we manage and control on your behalf are well established, low overhead, "niche" manufacturers that you would otherwise not have direct access to since they do not sell retail/direct. Due to our low overhead, our position in the marketplace and our true "role" as your consultant working on your behalf, we are able to pass on our "wholesale" production costs to our customers which are better than they can get themselves.

From printed marketing materials (brochures, folders, literature, kits, promotion items, plastic cards, etc.) to the production of universal print items used in the day-to-day operations of your business (forms, labels, stationary, etc.), we bring the strength of the "wholesale" side of the printing industry to your doorstep at some of the lowest costs possible. There is no custom print item or packaging requirement that we cannot do for you. Let us help you reduce the costs of all your print materials without sacrificing quality.
Automated Information Systems | 800 Roosevelt Road, Bldg B, Suite 412 Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 | Phone: 630.545.9880 | Fax: 630.545.9877 | Privacy Policy

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