Information Management
As a comprehensive communications company, AIS already has the delivery channels in place that can perform any/or all of the following as it relates to the Management of Information: The collection, routing and automatic workflow of client information with the use of fillable-eForms, with eSignature capabilities; Information / Communications can be presented, displayed and delivered through multiple delivery channels - and can be stored/archived online for instant retrieval by our clients. Any phase of this information processes and workflow, all the way to the completed communication piece, can be reported back to the business owner client and/or automatically uploaded into our client's system for comprehensive management / audit reporting. There is nothing in the collection, routing, presentation and delivery of highly personalized information / communications that we cannot do for our clients.
Why expend significant costs of internal resources to maintain multiple client communication processes when you can utilize AIS as a single source solution?
AIS can address a "Total Communication Strategy" in whole or in any part through one efficient data file process and multiple client delivery channels unlike anything available today through one place, one process. All too often businesses today are managing multiple delivery processes to deliver their client communications using multiple internal systems, software, resources as well as managing additional internal and external vendor resources for: print & mail, email, eForms, eSignatures, etc. The problem with this model, is that whenever an organization has to implement a new system or software upgrade, significant costs of IT time/resources will now be required to make tedious changes to all the different department communications (involving variable data field mapping, testing, parallel runs, etc.). With AIS, it is just "one place, one process" and we handle it all for you.
AIS handles 95% of the implementation for each improved automated comm- unication program - allowing you to continue your existing work scheduleā€¦
Very little of your time and resources are required in the implementation of one of our automated custom communication programs. Upon understanding your needs, AIS is responsible for designing, developing and testing all systems before client approval and going live. Based on this, 95% of implementation falls squarely on AIS while only 5% of the time/resources are required from you - allowing you to continue your current project workload.
There is very little you have to do or investments you have to make to
take advantage of the proven results AIS can deliverā€¦
Though we are known for providing savings to our clients with the implementation of automated solutions, as Communication Architects our expertise using technology to re-engineer processes always leads to significant proven cost reduction. The best part - there is very little you have to do or investments you have to make (in time, capital, resource) to take advantage of the proven results we deliver.
Automated Information Systems | 800 Roosevelt Road, Bldg B, Suite 412 Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 | Phone: 630.545.9880 | Fax: 630.545.9877 | Privacy Policy

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